art: basicsource
type: type
name: string
length: int32
extra: res-lump
lookup-art(obj: art, arg0: string, arg1: type) => jointsource
Look-up an art with the given name and type.
lookup-idx-of-art(obj: art, arg0: string, arg1: type) => intsource
Look up the index of an art with the given name and type.
needs-link?(obj: art) => symbolsource
art-group: artsource
type: type
name: string
length: int32
extra: res-lump
info: file-info
data: art-element
link-art!(obj: art-group) => art-groupsource
Links the elements of this art-group.
This will put a reference to this joint animation in the level art group.
Level art groups have slots for temporarily loaded joint animations.
This will put a reference to this joint animation in the level art group.
Level art groups have slots for temporarily loaded joint animations.
unlink-art!(obj: art-group) => intsource
Unlinks the elements of this art-group. This will undo the link-art! function.
art-joint-anim: art-elementsource
type: type
name: string
length: int32
extra: res-lump
pad: uint8
eye-anim-data: merc-eye-anim-block
speed: float
artist-base: float
artist-step: float
master-art-group-name: string
master-art-group-index: int32
blerc-data: pointer
frames: joint-anim-compressed-control
data: joint-anim-compressed
art-joint-geo: art-elementsource
art-mesh-anim: art-elementsource
art-mesh-geo: art-elementsource
draw-control: basicsource
type: type
status: draw-status
matrix-type: uint8
data-format: uint8
global-effect: draw-effect
art-group: art-group
jgeo: art-joint-geo
mgeo: merc-ctrl
dma-add-func: function
skeleton: skeleton
lod-set: lod-set
lod: lod-group
max-lod: int8
force-lod: int8
cur-lod: int8
desired-lod: int8
ripple: ripple-control
longest-edge: meters
longest-edge?: uint32
light-index: uint8
dummy: uint8
death-draw-overlap: uint8
death-timer: uint8
death-timer-org: uint8
death-vertex-skip: uint16
death-effect: uint32
sink-group: dma-foreground-sink-group
process: process
shadow: shadow-geo
shadow-ctrl: shadow-control
origin: vector
bounds: vector
radius: meters
color-mult: rgbaf
color-emissive: rgbaf
secondary-interp: float
current-secondary-interp: float
shadow-mask: uint8
level-index: uint8
origin-joint-index: uint8
shadow-joint-index: uint8
get-skeleton-origin(obj: draw-control) => vectorsource
Get the origin of the skeleton. Must have up-to-date bones.